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Registration, Handbook & Strategic Plan


Sick Child Policy

Strategic Plan

2024-2025 Handbook (Dress Code, Lunch Cost, Board Members, etc.) Updated 06/20/23- subject to change

Overview of NAS - Brochure


Sterling Background Check/Training- Please check the "Volunteer Driver" box when asked what "role" you have with the school, if driving for field trips.


Online Registration

           Instructions for Online Registration

New Students

Fill out these forms, as well as the forms below. 

► Health Appraisal Form - Required for all students new to Michigan schools (needs to be signed by doctor)


► Student Record Release - For new students who have gone to a different school. (This form can be filled out on the computer and printed.)


► New students should also bring a copy of their legal birth certificate as well as their up-to-date immunization records. See the requirements for a non-medical immunization waiver here.


Consent for Disclosure Form for Health Dept.


► Kindergarten students are required to have their hearing and vision tested before school starts. Please contact the Kindergarten teacher for a list of screenings or click here for a current schedule of screenings.

Registration Forms

These forms can be filled out on the computer and printed (or save and email to secretary@nilesadventistschool.org). If you register online, only some of these forms are still needed (marked by an asterisk*).

► 2024-2025 Application Form

► 2024-2025 Financial Agreement Form & Tuition Rates *

Special Education Awareness*

► Approved Driver Form

► Facebook Fan Page Permission Form

► Permission to Administer OTC Medications

Consent to Treat Form

► Student Behavior Contract *

► Student Photo Release *

► Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy (Grades 1-8) *